Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Studio Challenge!!!! Sketch

Hi there Girls, i have done another LO, and this time it is for The Studio Challenge, this is my first time entering this challenge. i so had fun doing it.... it is a sketch that you had to follow how ever you decided too... and also you had to add Ruffles to your Layout.....
This is the Sketch:

and this is what i came up with......
Have to say very simple but Effective and i love it....
My Eldest boy and daddy ready a book...

ok that is all my LO's now......
I have done no more at all to show you all.... booohoooo
so i will have to go so i can get 2 boys feed and bathed and off to bed..
So i can SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still have lots more challenge's to do b4 the end of the month....
bye for now
you all have a good week

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Stuck!! March 15th Part 2

Good Afternoon to you all...
this time i am going to show you the Stuck! Challenge that i have done. it is a sketch, i loved this, one it was great to work with!!!!

here is the sketch

and this is my take on it:

and of course some close ups!!!!

I really enjoyed this one i think because i really love this LO....

also  i thought that i would share with you another LO that i did a few odd days ago:
This one is for Crate Paper March sketch, and like alot of these LO of mine it is the first time that i have competed in... you have to email this one across to crate paper...

if you would like to see the sketch just go on over and check it out at Crate Paper  you unfortunatly thou are out of time to compete in this one as it closed on the 25th of March... :(. but please still pop on over and check out the new sketch challenge for next month....

here is my LO:

and again a close up: (LOL)

Now you have to use 50% of Crate Paper on your Layouts and i of course i thought that i was really good (LOL) as the only thing that i used on my LO that was not Crate Paper is the bird stamp:

ok Ladies that is all for today!!!!
I hope that you are enjoying your saturday and hope that you have a wonderfull rest of your weekend
Bye For Now
and Take Care

Thursday, 24 March 2011

IM BACK AGAIN....hehehehehe

HI to you all AGAIN. ive been busy again scrapping...heheheheheh
Here is the challenge for Show Us Your Stuff march challenge #2
It is a sketch challenge + you have to add a number to your LO as well as add something hand made...
here is the sketch

and here is my take on it:

and of course a close up:

and yes here we go again with another close up...LOL

This is my eldest boy who is one lucky boy he got a 2 wheel motorbike for his 5th birthday which is like neally 2 years ago.. oh how time flies by...
you just gotta love the farm life!!!!!

all you lovely ladies now have a great day and a fabulas rest of the week....

bye for now
Take Care

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

OMG Have you seen this Ladies

WOW wee Ladies
You all may have already seen this , BUT the Talented Nadia Irma & Lou!!
have started up a NEW Challenge blog Once Upon A... Sketch
& Have a DT line up too......
SO off you toddle on over and have a look!!!!!!!!!!!
They already have a giveaway Happening, YES a GIVEAWAY!!!!! You could win this just by spreading the Word about there Site, Grab there Badge & become a follower.......
 This is what you could win:

So Ladies what are you waitng for go and check out there site, as you will find lots of talented ladies over there as well as become friends with great people....
They have lost of the best DT ladies from all over the world.
so head on over here is the link again..... http://onceuponasketchblog.blogspot.com/

Ok till my next post
Bye for now

I've Been BUSY SCRAPPING!!!!!!!! KaiserCraft #3 & TCR #50

Hello there again
I have been busy again SCRAPING!!!! LOL
I have 2 Layouts for you guys today.....

First one is Kaiser Craft #3 March Sketch.....

and here is my take on the sketch!!!!:

And here is a close up

and here is my 2nd one for today the LO for The Color Room #50 Challenge:

And my take on it is:

im a little in advance but Thanks to you all for your Lovely Comments!!!! and have a great week and i will chat to you all soon
Bye for Now

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Bo Bunny Friday Sketch Challenge

Hi there Again everyone!!!  :)
The challenge that i have done this time is for Bo Bunny, and this is the first time that i have entered this challenge sketch.... and just making the dead line too...LOL
ok now you probably know the sketch but here is a reminder of what it looks like:

and once again here my take on it:

and a close up!!!!!

And another!

Thanks to you all for your comments i appreciate them all...
have a great week and ill be back tomorrow....
Bye for Now

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Kraft it up! March Challenge

Hello there im back! have been a little busy but did manage to fit in another challenge!! LOL
This one is for Kraft It Up!  This months challenge is to incorporate the followig saying on your layout and "There is no greater gift than today"

here is my Layout for this challenge:

my mum and dad on christmas day 2009 .... how CUTE!!! :)

and here comes another close up....LOL

ok thats all for now girls, hope you are all enjoying your weekend!!!! till next time Bye For Now and take care and happy scrapping......
thanks to all for commenting on me blog *hugs to you all*

Friday, 18 March 2011

Bird is the Word "IMAGINE"

Hi Everyone this next challenge that i have done is for Bird Is The Word and the word this time is "IMAGINE"..
So this is what i came up with.....

WOW this is my youngest boy in 2008 just how quick they grow HEY?????
and yes of course here is a close up!!! LOL

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, you all have a great weekend now
and untill next time
Bye for Now
Take Care

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Helloooo there again im BACK.......LOL
This time i have done the sketch challenge for Kaiser Craft March #2
this is the sketch:

And here is my take on it:

This is my mum with my beautiful Niece!!!! she is so sweet!!!!! i just adore her so!!!

Ok thats all for now
Thanks for stopping bye and big hugs an kisses for any comments left!!!!!!!!!!!
You all have a great week and happy scrapping....


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Show Us Your Stuff

HEEEELLLLOOOOOO there!!!! hope we are all well and having a great week...
Here is my LO for Show us your Stuff:
You had to scrap something you cant live without, and also add something handmade..
You may laugh when you see this Lo but really i think you will agree with me that all of us can not live without it.

YEP thats right MONEY im not sure bout you guys but i need MONEY to feed my Scrappin Fettish!!!!!!LOL 

I WON this money 2 years ago.. when I went out with a very good friend of mine and I popped $3 in the pokies and pulled out $500.00!!!!! yeah what luck!!!!!! so my darling husband and i took our boys to the zoo the very next day.... this is where my 5 year old then took this photo on our way to the zoo....

Check this out i even made a flower again, im not sure which flower you would call it!! LOL it is my second go at a flower though..LOL its OK...

here comes a close up.............


you all have a great week now and thanks so much for any comments left I appreciate them!!!!!!!!XXXOOXX


Saturday, 12 March 2011

Bird is The Word "BEAUTIFUL"

Hi there here is another challenge i have competed in tis one is for Bird is the Word and you had to you Beautiful on your page....
This is my 6 neally 7 year old boy being him when i ask for a nice photo.......typical boy!!!LOL but to me no matter how many faces he pulls he is still so very beautiful to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and of course,  Im getting use to these close up's like some of you girls do.. so here goes another:

Check out the flower it is my very first time i have made a home made item...hehehehe LOL :( im sure i will get better at it!!!!!

You all have a lovely weekend now and i will be back next week to post more LO's Haahahahahaha.
Till then bye for Now
thanks to all who leave me a comment much appreciated... XOXOX

Thursday, 10 March 2011

WW1 March Challenge - Love U 2

Hi there AGAIN!!!!!!! LOL
I tell you now that i have started this blog i can not stop and for sure you can not get rid of me......!!
I have just a major Scrapping bug at the moment and can not stop...hehhehehehe

So this challenge that i have done is for White With One the colour this challenge was White & Hot PINK with artisan shapes or products that you had to use on our LO.....

I so love PINK but was a little challenging for me as i have 2 boys and a husband so i manly do boy pages... But have to say loved the challenge and LOVED the out come....So here is my Layout,

And YES have to do a close up!!! im loving the close up's at the moment!!!!!!!!!!


Ok that is it for me today i do have more to post but will hold off for a few day's....

You all have a great day and a FAB rest of the week.!!!!!
And till next time Bye For Now

Oh and thank you all so very much for all of my comments over the past 2 weeks that i have had my blog for... I love reading them and it so brightens my day... Thankyou AGAIN, always appreciate comments..
HUGS & KISSES TO ALL :)  :)  :)

TCR #48 - That's Amore

Hahahahaha im back again.............
Just can't help meself can I.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is my Challenge for The Color Room #48

This is what you had to work with:

And this is what i came up with:

This is my Sister inlaw and my beautiful Neice....

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

STUCK!! March 1st Part 2 Challenge

Hello there gee wiizzaa im back again.
Here is the STUCK!! Sketch Challenge March 1st Part 2

And here is my take on the Sketch

And check this out here is a close up!!!!!! my first one!!!!

ok girls that is it now i have a few more to post but i will maybe do them tomorrow.
So untill then Bye for Now
have a great night...

My Minds Eye The Challenge "Celebrate Today"

Here we go again.LOL
He is My Minds Eye Challenge you had to use the theme in your layout "Celebrate Today"
Here is the Sketch Challenge:


And he is my take on it:

my Big Boys 6th Birthday last year look how time filies by it is neally his 7th Birthday....
Where does time go..
OK time for me to go and scrap till my heart is content...  LOL
Bye for Now


Hey Lady's check this massive giveaway out WOW WEE, all you have to do is click on SAM HAUZER to go to her blog and follow the promps to be in the draw to win this giant giveaway..  SAM HAUZER
this is what you coud win

So lady's what are you waiting for check out this great giveaway..........
Not sure about you all but i would love this sitting in my scrapping room i can already imagine the LO's i could do with all of this stuff.......
you all have a great day and ill be back to post another LO on here soon....
Till then Bye for Now

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Hello guess what ?????
IM BACK AGAIN ive done more challenges yes wwwoooohhhooooo.... gee wizza im loving this!!
This challenge is Kaiser Craft's march sketch challenge #1  www.kaisercraft.net/blog/
this is the sketch that you had to follow:

And here is my take on the sketch...
I was very surprised with myself as this is the first challenge i have done for Kaiser!!...I was very happy with myself as i did not think that i could do a Layout with just one product on it. And I DID IT all this Layout is Kaiser Craft...... yyyeeeaaahhhh....

This is me and my 4 year old boy... just how sweet is he!!!!, he will do anything when you tell him that mummy wants some photo's SOME NICE ONES and if you can have some nice photo's with mummy i will give you some chocolate or lollies... and check out the beautiful photo's he gave mummy....
you all have great day and i will prob be back tomorrow!!!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Scrap The Girls March Challenge


Hello there well what a weekend of scrapbooking it was for me i was up late everynight doing LO's with a friend over the internet (Skype) wow did we have fun!!!!!!!!!............... And wow did we do some LO's.....

This is what we have to do for this challenge:
Use ONE of the following SHE quotes by Kobi Yamada as the title & inspiration for your LO

Mine was "She Designed a Life She Loved"
Which is very true to me as i have the best husband i could ever ask for and two beautiful boys i could ever want and last but not least i have SCRAP BOOKING, So to me i have designed the best life i could ever want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the challenge that i did for Scrap the Girls!!..... this one is my first sketch challenge for them that i have done.., Still all new to me so please bare with me if links etc etc are not perfect.., im kind of learning as i go..........

Im So proud this photo as just the other day my 4 year old boy wanted to take some photos of mummy and this was one of them that he took..... What a great job from a 4 year old hey!!!!
i hope you girls had a great weekend and till next time Bye for Now

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Scrap The Boys March Challenge


Good afternoon everyone i have just finished the challenge for Scrap The Boys and WOW did i love this one. by the way this is my first ever LO in this challenge.....!!

This month your challenge is to use a specific TIME as your layout's title...

So i did, this is the first time my two beautiful boys seen there first cousin and it was the very first time they held him all on there own..... aaaahhhhh moments like this are non reversable...... if only time could freeze....

ok i hope you girls enjoy looking at my LO as much as i loved working on it...

You all have a lovely Saturday night now as i will be scrapping as DH has taken DS's for the afternoon. YES mummy time to SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP....LOL.. till they get back and i have to cook tea etc etc etc.....

Till next time Bye for Now..................

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Anna's March Sketch 2011

Hey there, here i am again......
Just loving this blog and posting my LO's on here LOL..........

This is Anna's March Sketch 2011

And once again this is my take of the Sketch.........

Just how cool does he look with mummy's sunglasses on.......
and look i used butterfly's and flowers on a boy page WOW WEE......LOL
ok girls that it for now so you all have a great day and till next time BYE for NOW
im off to Scrap HAHAHAHAHA.