Friday, 14 October 2011

Just a little share with you all today!!!

Hi Girls,

Sorry it has been a while,

Just wanted to let you know that it seems to me that I must be having a little break from Scrapping as I have not scrapped in over 2 weeks!!!! (give me a minni just blowing my nose and wiping the tears away from my face!!)
I have just been so busy lately, and trying to catch up at our business, as over school holidays did not work much so now the paper work is just building up!!!!
I also am trying to loose some weight, so that is keeping me busy and active, as I try not to think about food so I do not get hungry or just binge eat!!!!

Little Story I would like to share with you!!!

3 Years ago I was a staggering 82kilos and this February I was a little 58Kilos. I then gave up smoking. and put on half that weight I lost!!! :( :(
Great that I gave up smoking great for my health and for my two boys..... let me add my DH gave up with me!!
But What I'm about to share with you all is the first time I have told anyone that is outside my family and my 2 best friends

My yo-yo dieting as my doctor and dietitian tells me has now done damage to me for life!!!!
I now have a liver disease!!!!! The dieting did not give it to me it has just not made it any better!!!
I now am working with my doctor and dietitian and now I'm back on weight watches as that's how I lost my weight in the first place. I have to loose weight doc says down to around 55kilos to give my liver the best of health that I can... I am not over weight now he says I just have to loose the weight for my liver and to be the healthiest that I can be!!! This means:
No take away fatty foods at all!!! no alcohol!! no wheat, very little dairy!!! I am now on calcium tablets!!
a hell of a lot of changes in my life is going on right now!!! all the foods I enjoyed like a Vegemite sandwich yep well no longer can have that!!!! :(:(
My 2 besties are helping me threw this!!! and my mum too.... which gee I love them for!! In fact to tell you all the truth when I got told this I was beside my self I was like no way I have two boys that need me etc etc!!! I ate and ate and ate all the foods I was not allowed too!!! But now this past week one of my Bestest friends has helped me get on track again..

Have seen doc recently and he put it all into nice words for me!! as I had a little whimper to him about this and my fears over leaving my two boys!!! he told me that if I can loose this weight and keep healthy and keep up exercising daily he thinks ill be fine, this disease can grow worse either way loosing the weight or not, but the best option for me and my liver is to be HEALTHY.... So guess what HEALTHY it is for me!!!! he will do more testing to me in 3 months to see how my liver is after being on a diet and hopefully losing around the 10 kilo mark!!!! see if it is at bay or is still growing as such!! this is as my liver is now enlarged!!!

So please ladies Thanks to you all that have listened to me poor my heart out!!! please let me tell you thou that gee it feels good to get it off of my chest!!! :)
I am at a good place right now as I can feel this new diet working for me and getting back on weight watches it all feels good... So can not promise you that ill be back tomorrow or in a week to share some scrapping with you all, but I do miss you all and scrapping, I miss it lots but am just concentrating on loosing weight right now!!!!
So THANKS for being patient



Friday, 7 October 2011


Good Morning my lovely scrapping friends..
Just a post today to let you know about some fantastic giveaway's out there in this blogger world..
First up we have

and here is her Embellishment give away:

This is why she is having this fabulous give away:

I think it's important to share the good luck around when things are going well and I've got a bit to celebrate at the moment. My scrapbooking is going pretty well: I've made it onto a DT; I was the most successful exhibitor at the Gold Coast Show this year; I've managed to talk a couple of friends into taking up the hobby. My little blog is also chugging along: I've recently posted my 200th post, I've had over 2500 visitors and just made it to 40 followers. So to share it around I've decided it's time for another blog giveaway..

you have till the 20th October to enter this great giveaway!!!

Ok now second up we have SCRAP ADDICT.

Helen has a  October 2011 RAK give away:
and here it is:

1st give away

2nd give away

WOW what a fantastic give away's Helen has here for all of us!!!!
You have until 14th October to enter, go and check Helen's blog out for your chance to win..

OK folks that all for today
Take care and will be back next week when school goes back to share some layouts with you!!!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

I'm on a ROLL!!!!!!!

Hello there ladies!!!!
Sorry have not been showing you my layouts lately but just been busy!!!! As we all get from time to time!!!!
It is still School Hols here in NSW Australia!!! and I'm just trying to spend time with my boys rather then being in my scrapping room while they play on there own, or should I say get into mischief!!! LOL.........

Any how just wanted to post a quicky tonight!!!!

Just wanted to let you all know, that I was the overall WINNER over at Bird Is The Word for the Memory Word Challenge!!
WOOT WOOT for me!!!!!

I so love this challenge blog site and I am so so honoured to be the winner!!!!

So thanks to all you lovely talented DT girls and to WENDY!!!!!!!

BIG BIG HUGS to you all
Take Care

PS I hope to share a layout with you all very very soon!!!!!

Thursday, 29 September 2011


Hi there just another post to slip in before the end of the month!!!!

I would really love to say a massive big HI and a huge HUG to all my wonderfully talented new followers!!!

And this one to share with you all is for the September 15th Challenge over at Show Us Your Stuff!!!!

The challenge for 15th September is : Multi Photos, Stripes and of course hand made embellies!!

So here is my Layout:

This is my Darling Big Brother!!!
He is always so nice to me when I want to take a photo of him!! LOL
The word BROTHER is from a chippie 
What I did was I laid it out on some paper and sprayed it with some glimmer mist well when I picked it up off of the paper I actually liked the paper version better....heheeheh
So I went with that instead of the chippie!!!!!

Okay that is all for now!!!!
And unless I move my bottom along and do another layout tonight!!!
That will be it until all the new challenges come out on Saturday!!!
Take Care Now 

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Good morning again girls!!!

Just another share with you all today but first let me tell you something FUNNY!!!!LOL

We went to Ben 10 LIVE yesterday and yes DeanO loved it!! Corey was bored thou 5 mins into it!!!
any way mummy then went shopping afterwards and yes bought 3 new pairs of shoes with a handbag to match as we do!!LOL (hey they were all on SALE lol) so we were ready to head back to the car with like 6 boxes of shoes ( 2 shoes for Corey & 1 for Dean and 3 for me) so I popped the car keys in my pocket as I normally do so its easy to pop the boot with hands full !! any way as I walk past the shop next door I seen a shirt to match the shoes and handbag LOL so went in tried it on and yep it fit, so anyway went to pay all was good but then while I had my handbag opened I thought I would grab my keys out so its easier!! well I ended up stripping my handbag out on the shop counter as I could not find my keys, I had Dean and Corey looking all under the racks of clothes in the dressing rooms and also the lady in the shop was helping too!!! here I am panicking!!!, as we were like 1.5 hours from home and the spare key is at HOME!! so still looking everywhere than the shop lady said, OK now back track your steps.. so I was standing there thinking!!I then felt down to my pocket and WELL YES HELLO here they were in my POCKET!!!!
I am so so laughing about it now but man I felt so so STUPID!!!!

so here is my share for you today it is for White With 1
and this month you have to use WHITE + PALE PINK + JOURNAL ON YOUR PHOTO

So this is what I came up with:

This is my Darling Neice!!!
So is so CUTE
Now this is my very first time using a template in the background, Didn't turn out perfect but i still LOVE it!!

OKAY sorry about the long post but had to share my little funny stupid moment I had yesterday
Take Care and till next time
Bye for Now
*HUGS to you all for your lovely comments**

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Get Picky September Sketch Challenge #12

Good Morning to you all...............
I am here this morning to show you all a quick layout before the end of the month ends!!!
 I Love joining in over at Get Picky!!! 

And here is there Sketch Challenge #12

And here is my take on it:
as you will see I turned it to the side and instead of adding the two smaller photo's I added one 6X4 photo!!

My DS #1 COREY!!!!!
On his 7th Birthday!!!

OH Dear here are the close up's and im not sure again what is happening with them i cant seem to get them to straighten up!!!! LOL
I hope you can still see them OK!!!!

OkAY im off now as I have to get organized to go and watch BEN 10 LIVE!!!!!
YEEEHHHHAAAAA My DS #2 Dean is so so so excited as he just loves Ben 10!!!!!
He has everything you can imagine that is BEN 10!!!!
Okay bye for now 
and yes thanks to you all for your lovely comments that you leave I just cant wait till I get to read them!!!

P.S I'll be back tomorrow with a few more Layouts to share!!!

Monday, 26 September 2011

MY SIS - Purple Pumpkin

Hello again to you all I have a lot of posts to do this week before the end of month!! LOL as I have been a busy girl scrapping my lil heart content!!!

So here is the Purple Pumpkin September Challenge it is a 1,2,3 challenge this month
1x Lollie pop/flower
2x Doilies
3x Buttons

Let me tell you I so wanted to do this Challenge but had to wait till now as I had an order to come.... LOL
And love love love all PP stuff but I had not a thing to work with!!! LOL

Any how here is what I did when I received my order:

My Mother and her Sister!!! TOO CUTE together they both are!!!
They are like two old fuddy duddy's!!!!LOL

The two chippies in this layout are from the beautiful Natalie May!!!
I won a Rak over at her blog a few weeks back!!!
So a huge thank you to you Nat!!!
With the Chippies I used Liquid Pearls on them Petal PINK!!!

OK now, just another Layout I would love to show you guys is Anna's Craft Cupboard

I So love playing along to Anna's each month!!!
Just about all of my Products come from Anna's
The only things that don't come from Anna's is all the home made sweetness!!!
I think I need to have a share in Anna's!!!! LOL hehehehehe

here is the sketch

I love working with multi photos but let me tell you for me this one was definitely was a challenge:
Here is what I came up with

What I did with this one as you can see is I went with all the same photo's
The only thing about this layout that i dont like for me anyway is I should of stamped or used paint or something in the background just a little too plain I think!!!!

Any way's Thanks to all my Girlfriends out there for leaving me such sweet comments I will be over to your blogs to repay the favour!!!!
Take Care

P.S Sorry for the long post, sometime I can just carry on!!!! LOL

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Life Is A Journey - ENJOY

Well hello again to all my friends!!!!
I have been a busy girl Scrapping my heart content!!! LOL
I have joined in again over at Once Upon A Sketch 15th Challenge....

here is the sketch for this month:

and get this, 

Welcome to our next challenge for the month of September! I am so excited to post this challenge as my super AWESOME Design Team have been thinking of ways to throw some twists in how we pick the winner. We thought it would be fun for you all out there to pick the winner! This challenge will end on the 29th of September , which is 2 weeks from today and you will all have a chance to vote for the winner and Top 5 projects for one whole day on the 30th of September before the new challenge is posted on the 1st of October.
The catch here is that everyone can only vote 1 time, but of course you can get everyone you know to vote for you! As it gets closer to the day I will remind you all, and we just cannot wait to see who you will pick!

So on to our September 15th challenge.

Journalling Criteria: This time you need to journal 2 lines directly on your photo. You can write on your photo, you can print your writing on your photo,  you can use journalling strips on your photo etc. There is no theme this time, just a journalling technique criteria. 

Here is my take on the sketch and Journalling Criteria:

oh dear now these close ups just aint working for me again!!!!!
I think I must be rotating them at the wrong time!!????
Never mind I hope you can still see the close up's OKish!!!!!
I made that green flower my self out of some lace ribbon and popped a Kaiser Kraft Flower in the middle of it!!!! am I clever or not!!!
Till next time which will be soon as I have a few more layouts to show as it is coming to the end of the month!!!:)  : )
Take Care and thanks for your comments

Saturday, 24 September 2011


Hello and happy Saturday to you all!!!!!
Today I would like to say my Scrap The Boys Layout with you all!!!

This month the challenge is to use household/family ephemera on your layouts. Now this can be anything from clothing labels, toy packaging, gift cards or cards from birthdays, ticket stubs etc....

My Choice was so so easy as my DS #2 Dean he so so loves BEN 10 he has everything you can buy of Ben 10 including all clothes!!!! LOL

so here is my layout!!!
Let me say too that I so love this layout I think maybe cause it is so bright!!!!

Here it is:
Close up's first!!!

I have used some contact to cover books with for the paper!!!
And it wasn't hard to get Ben 10 tags either for some embellies!!! LOL
October Afternoon Stickers were used as well and also the green letters are from OA too and the orange letters from Kaiser!!!
Okay that's it from me 
you all have a fab fab weekend 
and till next time
Bye For Now
oh and yes thanks to all for you lovely comments that you leave

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Good morning to all my buddies out there!!!!
I am having a great morning so far, as after this quick post i have to go and pick up a little friend of my DS #2 as he is coming out to play for the day instead of going to daycare!!!!!! OH YES I am thinking already of all the photos i can take!!! LOL

Any how I am here to share with you BIRD IS THE WORD challenges MEMORY & SHARE!!!!

so here they both are:

This is my two boys gee how young were they here Corey was 2 and lil Dean was 7 months..
 Little chubby he was !!!!!!! just too cute thou i do think!!......

And here is my Share Layout:

I went to tuck Corey into bed this Night which was the night after his 7th Birthday and here i found his lil doggie BUDDY!!!!! just two cute... so off I ran for the camera!! LOL

Sorry that these are on the side This blogger not being a good boy today and I could not flip them!!!!

ok Thats all for today folks...
I have to get going now as i have Little Dean here saying lets go and get his friend COME ON MUM!!!
So better go!!!
Thanks for all of you stoppin by and leaving me your love
Take Care Now

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Kraft It Up September Challenge & Handmade By Suzanne

Hello to you all I hope you all are enjoying your weekend??!!!!.......
I have a few post's to share with you today...
The first is for Kraft It Up..
This month you had to use of course Kraft paper or Kraft Patterned Paper as well as Stitching & Fabric....
So here is my take on all of that:

This is my DS gee he always seems to make me laugh!!! LOL
all I was asking him here was can mummy have a nice photo with you for mothers day PLEASE!!!
and this is what I get LOL!!!!!
He is such a mummy's boy so affectionate!!! 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Show Us Your Stuff!!!!!

I'm talking about the blog site LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick little boast here for me......
Guess What????
I was 1 of the winners over at Kraft it Up !!!!!!! WOOT WOOT for me!!!!
My golly gosh I am on a roll these days, that is like my 5th win in a month!!! oh yeah bring it on!!! LOL
Thanks to all you lovely girls over at KRAFT IT UP for choosing my layout to be one of the winners THANKS....

I have not done this challenge (SYUS) for a while now!!! Don't know why as I love these challenges!!!!
any how here is the sketch challenge for September 1st..........

You all need to go and check this out, as it is a fab site and the DT members are outstanding!!!!!

here is a close up for you to take a look at............

And here is the whole layout
This is of My youngest DS (Dean) and his Poppy (my father in-law)
they are so so silly together...
I really think My father in-law is a child too.. 

Thanks to you all for stopping by.....
I love reading every one of your comments that you leave me!!!....
Take Care now and ill be back real soon for more layouts to show

Monday, 12 September 2011

Stuff 2 Scrap - Rachael's Challenge Sketch!!!

Hello to all my friends out there!!!
I'm so so sorry I have not commented on your blogs over the past few days I have been a lil SICK!!!! :(

Still not 100% so just another quick post today!!!

I am here to share with you Stuff 2 Scrap's Rachael's sketch challenge.....

The Sketch can be rotated, flipped or mix it up a little as long as it is recognisable....
Also a couple of extra criteria’s
1. Butterfly or Butterflies
2. Some stitching hand or Machine
3.Whilst Stuff 2 Scrap Chipboard would be Better  - Any chipboard is acceptable.....

Here is the sketch:

and here is my take on it!!!!!!

Now for the three criteria's, I have used a S2S Bird Chippie which I used liquid pearls on it!! and also added an extra chippie up the top there.....
I have used 2 Large butterflies and 2 small butterflies and the third criteria is the stitching!
I have hand stitched in two places!!!!across the top of the photo on the left side and on the paper on the right side!!!! Both in black!!!
I so enjoyed this challenge So a big thank you to RACHAEL!!!!

Sorry there is no close up's today as they don't want to turn out properly for me!!! LOL

Have a great week and I promise as soon as I get better I will be commenting on each and every blog!!!

Take care

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Once Upon A Sketch 1st September

Hi to you all I hope you week is going just fine!!!???

I did the fabulous Sketch challenge over at OUAS I so love love love doing these challenge...
 I truly do think that Nadia is one very talented person and is one heck of a great Scrapping buddy!!!!! **HUGS** to her!!
Please let me give here a massive boost here, as I was one of the Random winners last month YEEHHAAA!!! for me!!!
It took her 2 weeks to send me the prize (which let me add was not long at all, I had not one problem with it taking that long!!) but she felt so so bad about it taking that long, so she added a few extra goodies in my prize for me!!!
WOW I have to say she really is one dear special person!!!!! Thanks so much NADIA!!!! I loved my whole prize and the extra's!!!!
Okay enough of that mushy stuff now
Here is the sketch for this fortnight:

and here is my take on it:
as you will see I have turned the sketch on the side!!
First up are some close ups!!

This photo is special to me as it is really the only one that I have of when I was pregnant with my first Corey!!
as like many of you I was not much of a photo person then, it all started when my Boys were born!! and has never stopped since, if anything it has gotten worse LOL!!!!...........

Thanks for stopping by and leaving all your love!!
I just love reading all comments
Take Care Now

Monday, 5 September 2011


Hi ya all!!!

Gee wizza I've been busy today!!!
I have just finished my 4th Layout for the day!!! hehehehehehe : )  : )
YES YOU HEARD RIGHT... lol!!! 4 layout's  today!!..................
Any how just here tonight to show you 1 that I did on Saturday!!!
It is for Get picky Inspirational challenge #11

Here Go's   ----

So that's all folks for today!!!!
gee i can not believe how short this post is... LOL
Take Care and thanks so so much for all your lovely comments

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Happy Saturday to all my Friends!!!!!!

I am Honestly here today just to give you a quick Post!!!! ME QUICK LOL!!:):) LMAO

The Layout that I have done recently is for BITW and the word is LOVE!!!!
This photo I did is of DH's Grandfather that past on this year!!!!   :(:(

Here is my layout!!

Look at this handmade flower that I made!!!  :)
I actually got this idea from Rachael over at A WINDOW TO MY SCRAPPING WORLD
She, a while ago showed us all in a tutorial on how to make it!!!
I finally stepped outside my comfort zone and gave it a go!!!! :):)

OK that's all folks
Till Next Time
and thanks for all your comments that you leave!!!


Thursday, 1 September 2011

LISA's & Rachael's Give Away's you need to Check it Out!!!!!!

WOW everyone you need to go on over to Lisa's Blog and check this out:

Lisa is celebrating her 100th post and giving us all a chance to win this prize below!!!

There are an assortment of goodies up for grabs. 
One winner will win everything ,
posted to their location. There will also be 3 additional winners,
that will receive some random goodies!!

but there are rules, as there are with everything.

1. You need to be, or become a follower of Lisa's blog :)
2. You need to share this giveaway on your blog or facebook.
3. You need to leave a comment on this post over at Lisa's blog letting her know that
you have done all above and leave a link to your share :))
And that's it. You have until September 20th to get your entry in.
Draws will be made and announced shortly after that.

Now you can't tell me that no one wants to enter this, I tell you who ever wins this is one lucky ducky!!!!!


ANOTHER GIVE AWAY over at Rachael's Blog 
Rachael is celebrating her 1 year of starting her blog she is calling it her Bloggoversary!!!!! LOL I think that is CUTE!!!!!
And this is what she is offering to 2 lucky follower's!!!!

Now! if you want to be in for a chance to win 1 of these 2 packs..
Then you need to be a follower on Rachael's blog
& then comment on this Post over at Rachael's blog to go in to the draw!!!!
Also If you share this on your blog & then go back & tell Rachael you have done so,
that will put your name in for a second time...
Does it Sound good????
You have until the 18th of September to enter this give away!!!!

OK thats all from me today i have a lot of challenge to go and start on !!!! heheheheh
You all take care now