Sunday, 31 July 2011

Handmade By Suzanne July Sketch Challenge

Good Morning to you all!!! :)

This is just a quicky i promise!! lol
I Just wanted to show you my last Layout for the month of July and it is for Handmade By Suzanne click here and go and check it out for next months challenge!!!!
This is the sketch you had to follow:

And this is my take on it!!!

This is my boy Dean (the little one) with his two friends enjoying his 4th birthday with them

I even hid a four in bottom right corner !!!

Ok thats all my friends 
I told you it was going to be quick!!!
take care and happy scrapping with all new challenges coming on out tomorrow

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Purple Pumpkin July Sketch Challenge

Good Morning my friends, I hope your weekend is starting out terrific!!!!!!
Mine is so far?? LOL 
Just a quick post for you guys today to show you my take on the PP July Sketch Challenge:
Most of you probably already know about Purple Pumpkin but those who don't go and check it out HERE fab site you will all love the Products and Layouts as well as the designer's, including the guest designer's and July's quest designer was  JASMINE SHEA  click here on Jasmine's name and go and check her blog out you all wont be disappointed, she is one fantastic Scrapper!!!!! 

So here is the sketch:

and here are some close ups first:

And then this is my full take on sketch!!!

OK, thanks again for stopping by my blog
any comments left **HUGS** to you all
Hope you all have a fab weekend!!
Bye for Now


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Scrap The Boys July Challenge

Hello everyone!!! i hope your week is starting out fantastic!!!!

This time im going to show you the challenge that i have done for Scrap The Boys.
I love doing STB challenges, I think maybe because I have 2 boys oh sorry 3 boys I forgot DH!!!!! LOL.
You should by all means go and check this blog out you may be a little late for this July challenge but you wont be dissapointed with the blog, and keep your eye out as a new challenge will come on out in August!!!!!! Scrap The Boys click here

Any how this month you have to use tape on your layout, this can be decorative tape, masking tape or even think outside of the square and make your own. You also need to use PLAY in your title. well i went to DH's shed and found some electrical tape and im glad that he had a few colours to choose from my LO is based on green so i used green electrical tape!!! and for the heading i called it A BOYS LIFE it's all about PLAY!!

So here is my Take on this challenge:

and of course some close ups
Sorry i cant seem to fix this close up, up it just wants to be on it's side!! LOL

and my blogger friends
thanks so much for stoping by
and big big hugs to all that leave me a comment
Take Care Now
Bye for Now

Monday, 25 July 2011

Anna's July Sketch Challenge & Kraft It Up Sketch Inspirational Challenge

Good Morning to all of my Scrapping Buddies!!!!

I did 2 Layouts this weekend just gone!!!! hehehehehe!!
See the time that i have now is not wasted!!! LOL

First up I did Anna's craft Cupboard 2011 Sketch Challenge.
If you haven't already given this Sketch challenge a go, You should check it out HERE!!!! you will not be dissapointed!!!

Here is the sketch.

And here is my take on it :-

This is my boys being MY BOYS!! LOL on mothers day this year
Just gotta love those boys
& that perfect photo that they love to take!!!!! lol

Ok next up is Kraft it up:

This month you had to get Inspiration from the picture!!!
You still have time to do this challenge so go and check it out HERE!!!!! i tell you, you will not be dissapointed!!!

Here is the picture:

And here is my take on it
In the school holidays my little neice's come to visit, I had to do this photo cause she is my lil CUP CAKE and not just that she just finished eating a chocolate cup cake!!!!!
God love her it was all over her face!! LOL

oh yes and dont forget the close ups

 ok once again thanks so much for stopping by!!!!!!!
Keep those comments a coming!!!
I just love them all!!!
So thanks to all that leave me one!!!!!
Take Care & happy scrapping for the week to come!!!!

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Bird is the Word Challenges HOPE & TODAY

Hey there,
Today i am going to post 2 Layouts!!!

Thats right you read right 2 layouts!!!! heheheheeh LOL : )
I have been scrapping myself happy again with all of this time that i have now!!!!!! LOL

Anyhow i did both the challenges for Bird Is The Word!! 
oh how I just love these challenges!!!!! you should go and check there site out  HERE Promise you will love it all!!!

so here is the HOPE layout with of course some close ups!!! hahaha

This is my DH Jason with DS Little Dean, (he is not so little anymore he is now 5!!!) Dean is 3 days old here!!! WOW how little he was!!!!!

love this glitter charm from The girls Paperie!

And here is the TODAY layout

My darling Husband again with once again DS #1 Corey & DS #2 Dean, having a great time in our pool!!!!

I loved what these two stickers said so i put them together to make "Days like this nothing else matters"
which i think is so so true!!!!

ok ladies that is all for today!
I hope you enjoy what you see!
You all take care now! and have an excellent weekend!!!!!
And thanks to you all that leave me a wonderful comment. I love reading them!!! and when i can i will return the favour by leaving you all comments!! :  )  :  )

Bye for Now


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hi ya all !!!!!! & OUAS July 15th Challenge

HI everyone,

This is my first post in neally 2 months, WOW doesn't time go fast.
Just a very quick note to let you all know that I sold my business !!!!! YEEH HAH !!!!! so now i just work 2 days a week at my husbands and my other business..
For the past 12 months since i bought my business (that i just sold) i have been so so busy like working 60 to 80 hours per week. and it sure does play a toll on you!!!! and now for the past 2 weeks man o man i have been loving my time at home again and most of all spending time with my boys, GEE wizza i missed them..!!!! and of course i can scrap again!!! But please all my dear and lovely followers please do bare with me because i will be scrapping as much as i can, but right now and a little into the future i really just want to relax and enjoy my time as a SAHM again and do those little things that i have missed out on in the past year, like play with the boys, catch up with friends, home cooking, etc etc. so please dont forget me, cause i will still be here and i will be scrapping, but just here there and everywhere!!!!!!!!

So any how:-
here is my first LO that i have done in ages, it is for Once Upon A Sketch, you have to use a quote it can be handwritten or printed or a rub on etc etc.

here is the sketch that you can go by:

and of course some close up's LOL!!!!

Well thanks so much to you all for dropping by and sorry if post is too long!!!!!
it is always a pleasure!!!! and thanks for all your comments,
Take Care & shall see you all Soon!!!